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Guidelines for the Coalition of American Patriots

Name:  Coalition of American Patriots (CAP)

Purpose:  The purpose of this coalition is to bring together all patriot oriented organizations, or other entities, that have patriot oriented websites, under one common banner; to look for the common elements of each group and its purpose; and, to focus on that commonality, thus avoiding focusing on our differences.  This coalition is not intended to be for exposure, rather, for Unity.  That means that we will exert whatever effort we must to overcome those elements that wish to create division among us.

Membership:  Any organization, or other entity, that has a patriot website may join as a member of the Unity Coalition, if they agree to abide by the Guidelines established herein.  An affiliate organization of a member organization can join the Unity Coalition if they have their own website.  A group identification on a larger site does not qualify, though if a group site exists, along with a primary site, both, or all, sites, may use the banner.

Guidelines (Rules):

1.  Each Member shall display, on the main page of their website, the Unity Coalition emblem.  It may be displayed anywhere on the page, though it is expected that a prominent location will demonstrate your faith in the purpose and importance of the Unity Coalition.

2.  If a webring is established, it will be displayed immediately below the Unity Coalition emblem.

3.  Members agree to disagree.  It is acceptable to speak well of another member.  It is not acceptable to speak ill, or in a disparaging manner, of another member.  Doing so will be cause for mediation.

4.  Any organization seeking membership will be accepted on the same footing as all existing members, regardless of past activity that would have been in violation of Guideline #3.  Membership in other such organizations or coalitions does not preclude membership in this Coalition.

5.  Each member organization will appoint one person as a delegate to the Administrative Board of the Unity Coalition.

6.  An Advisory Board will be established and will be comprised of no less than five members.  These members will hold their office for one year, and can be re-elected as often as they achieve the necessary votes.  Elections will be held annually in the first week of April.  Interim elections may be held to fill any vacancies.

7.  Should any organization feel that they have been aggrieved by another member organization; their delegate will bring a written report (email), with any evidence, to the Advisory Board.  The Advisory Board shall attempt to resolve the problem, secure apologies if necessary, and protect against disclosure of the incident to other than those Delegates involved.  All parties will hold the discussions and results of such discussions, secret.

8.  Should the Advisory Board fail to secure resolution, they may hold hearings, which will be open to all Delegates, to hear all testimony and review all evidence, from both parties in the dispute.  Each party in the dispute will have the right to recuse one member of the Advisory Board, if they feel that that member may be prejudiced against them.

9.  The Advisory Board, if the matter has gone to a hearing under Rule 8, after all testimony is heard and evidence reviewed, will provide their findings to the Delegates.  The findings may include: Reprimand, to one or both parties, indicating the activity that is in violation of the Guidelines; Censure, with probation for a fixed period of time, of one or both parties (organizations); Expulsion from the Unity Coalition if a violation occurs during a probationary period.  All members of the Advisory Board, all Delegates, and all parties to the dispute, are bound to secrecy in both discussion and actions taken.

10.  Whenever possible, any violation of the Guidelines, Advisory Board activities and findings, or any matter that comes before the Advisory Board, shall be considered privileged information.  Disclosure may result in a review of the qualifications of the delegate to represent his organization, and if so found to be contradictory or unacceptable, will result in that delegate being replaced with another delegate from that organization.

11.  The Coalition cannot deal with organizations who are not members of the Coalition.  If a dispute arises, the group involved shall gather evidence, testimony, and other information regarding any such incident, and prepare and file a complaint to the Committee of Safety -- Common Law Court.   

12.  That no member will be coerced or forced, by any member or group of members, to agree with anything that is contrary to their beliefs.  That any member, regardless of what opinion he may express on his website, is not answerable for anything except violation of the Rules herein.

13.  These Guidelines may be revised, from time to time, upon the recommendation of the Advisory Board and approval by two-thirds of the Delegate members.

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