This is an individual who I will not name for his own safety and was being filmed by Blaine Cooper. This was in the basement of a building that was used on a daily basis by the management of the Refuge. I couldn’t believe these people worked in an environment like this, just up stairs from it. a defendant


Lavoy and a few others discovered that the artifacts (2 & 3) were being stored in these disrespectful conditions and could not believe the lack of care. They felt compelled to expose these things and offer them to be turned over to the local Native Americans. a defendant

These pictures (2 & 3) are of shelves of artifacts in the basement of the building that my office was in.  We discovered these artifacts in such a poorly maintained manner that some artifacts were crumbling. Occupier 1








The feds gathered up everything that was left behind and piled it up at the top entrance of the refuge. They destroyed the EZ-Up and piled things in a carless manner to give the impression that we left junk behind. a defendant


The feds gathered up everything that was left behind and piled it up at the top entrance of the refuge. They destroyed the EZ-Up and piled things in a carless manner to give the impression that we left junk behind. a defendant




Firewood was donated by locals almost on a daily basis. It was so cold that warming fires were needed for the volunteers who kept watch at the entrance. a defendant


We ordered dumpsters to put the trash. We were not just littering all over the refuge which is what the media has led people to believe. a defendant








Dwayne cleaned the old coral out and let his horse sleep inside out of the elements. Prior to letting his horse sleep inside instead of out in the weather, he cleaned the shit out of that place and cleaned it up everyday and treated it with the utmost respect. a defendant




This was in a building we called the “FireHouse” there were 2 fire trucks stored in the building and the building was under construction. The guys doing the construction left quite a mess so we swept it up and cleaned the place up so that people could sleep in there. a defendant






Cleaned up areas. The dumpsters were full so I am sure they were waiting for them to get emptied before throwing away these trash bags. a defendant

I went in to this garage/maintenance buildings on January 25. There were five or six children, with brooms, sweeping the floor of the garage, and there were some adults, as well. They had already filled 5 or 6 black garbage bags from their cleaning up. The sweeping going on had created substantial piles, ready to be placed in more garbage bags.  In speaking with one of the men present, he told me that the floors had all sorts of empty packages, used parts, and other trash. He told me of open grease containers with the grease covered in dust, tools laying around, and no semblance of order or cleanliness that is usually associated with a garage workplace. Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom



Cleaned up areas. The dumpsters were full so I am sure they were waiting for them to get emptied before throwing away these trash bags. a defendant


There was a container of explosives discovered. We kept clear of it and also instructed everyone else to steer clear of it. This looks like the feds pulled the explosives out and took a picture of the empty container. a defendant


a loft area that 2 people slept. a defendant


A kitchen area that actually didn’t look much different than the day we arrived. Everything was left alone and only the desk, refrigerator and sink were used in this room.


The desk in the kitchen that was used. a defendant


Everything was pulled off the desks in this office and set to the side so that desks could be utilized. Remember we had lots of people working  on fixing this unconstitutional stuff that the government was doing. Nothing was broken in the process and it was stored much nicer than this. Looks like they spread everything out and staged it to take a photo of it. Nothing there is broken. It was just all pulled from the desks. a defendant

I cleared the desk that I used for 10 days or so. I most definitely did not leave the stuff from the desk in such a manner as in this photo. I placed it on shelves or in drawers if I did not intend to use it, or stacked it neatly in the adjoining closet. None of the other offices in the building I was in looked like this. All were neatly maintained. A couple of the offices in my building were used for sleeping on the floor. That would totally preclude those offices from looking like this. Occupier 1



Lots of people that donated also donated booze. Some of us took the initiative to reduce any problems so we kept the booze and would ration it out to people if they wanted a drink to take the edge off before going to bed ensuring no one would be getting drunk and disorderly. This was in the M.O.B., and nobody was allowed to drink before going on duty. a defendant


This is the M.O.B. (Militia Operations Base). Most mail was delivered here, and supplies were constantly coming in. The two tables often held more than shown, though the supplies were dispersed, as needed. Gary Hunt, Outpost of Freedom


Yes, people were rolling there own cigarettes and it looks like they left in the middle of rolling do to the threat of the Feds coming in.  a defendant